The Wrath of the iOtians

SIFF 2023 Interview with Justin Robert Vinall Director of From The Depths

Jake and Ron Episode 73

The 2023 Seattle International Film Festival was held on May 11-21. Ron was able to receive press credentials and had the opportunity to check out several short films and a few features. One of favorites was the short film From The Depths (directed by Justin Robert Vinall, and starring Giovanni Accettola, Allegra Sweeney, Rebecca Rose). It's about a couple seeking to rebuild their troubled relationship. They travel to a remote lakehouse, but a malevolent presence lurks beneath the water’s surface. The acting, cinematography and sound design are hypnotic....creating a realistic and surrealistic atmosphere at the same time. One feels like they are experiencing a strange nightmare, but realizing they are fully awake. Although Justin cites David Lynch (Blue Velvet , Mulholland Drive, Twin Peaks) and  Krzysztof Kieślowski (Three Colors Trilogy) as influences, his vision is unique and singular.

We encourage you to check out Justin's other work at the links below. We expect big things from Justin Robert Vinall in the future!

The 2023 Seattle International Film Festival (SIFF)

From The Depths

Justin Robert Vinall/Next Floor Entertainment

The Wrath of the iOtians

Instagram: thewrathoftheiotians
Twitter:  @OfiOtians


Land Of The Me-me by Aleksandar Dimitrijevic (TONO)
Licensed under the NEO Sounds Music License Agreement